12-03-15 Evidence of widespread corruption of the US courts and proposed corrective measures submitted to the US House of Representatives __________ PRESS RELEASE Evidence of widespread corruption of the US courts and proposed corrective measures submitted to the US House of Representatives Human Rights Alert (NGO) submitted to the House Subcommittee on Judicial Reform, chaired by Representative Darrell Issa, evidence of widespread corruption and racketeering in the US courts from coast to coast. The records pertain to the US district courts, the US courts of appeals, and the US Supreme Court. The evidence was NOT based on legal review, but on integrity, or lack thereof, in the electronic records of the courts. Many of the cases involved abuse of individuals by large corporation and financial institutions. The report focused on the issuance of fraudulent records in the electronic record systems of the US courts, and conduct of simulated litigation. [i] With it, Human Rights Alert proposed corrective measures, which likewise, focus on restoring the authority and integrity of the offices of the clerks of the US courts and the electronic records of the courts. Regardless, no measure can substitute for vigilance of the People in monitoring conduct of the courts. It is unlikely that the US would emerge from the current financial and constitutional crisis, unless corruption of the courts and the legal profession is thoroughly addressed.
OccuParty Jerusalem-AlQuds! August 17, 2012 Love, Peace, Justice [] Empowering the People through a dance/music/art/study/pray
Facebook Event http://www.facebook.com/events/210316185725129/ Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/309381775769672/ Blog: http://josephsdream2012.wordpress.com/ Youtube: From Jerusalem to the Wall Street Protesters: we must bring this Robber Baron Era to an end! www.youtu.be/g3r7XUtoguk Boris announcing #Occupy Jerusalem-AlQuds - The Party, August 17, 2012 www.youtu.be/-lOxo-ae7ys Guantanamera: From Jerusalem to Guantanamo Bay -- the US has lost all credibility as a Civil Society www.youtu.be/5dcp63ry_es Oh My God, it's Occupy Jerusalem-AlQuds! www.youtu.be/DWTKQkodf7U Eje: Barcelona-Amsterdam; To: Jerusalem; Sobre: El Amor www.youtu.be/qmUw8Jk2Fc8 Ship Commander Joan is Reassuring: We will be ready for takeoff on August 17, 2012 www.youtu.be/Lji9DfstKfg European Disputes in Jerusalem-AlQuds WWW.youtu.be/jOJ8MghlGkk Snow in Occupy Jerusalem-AlQuds WWW.youtu.be/ZuwLSUkoHsg Grupo Acapoeira in Jerusalem-AlQuds WWW.youtu.be/oVRpQxgz3bk Fire in Jerusalem-AlQuds http://youtu.be/NLNuhcIw49k Pre-party Art Event in Jerusalem-AlQuds www.youtu.be/k8tWTDD_uro Occuparty kills my luv life... http://youtu.be/UX2cdaWtxa4 12-03-16 We Got a Champion! http://youtu.be/5K2IhhQqR3A ______
12-03-15 Evidence of widespread corruption of the US courts and proposed corrective measures submitted to the US House of Representatives
Evidence of widespread corruption of the US courts and proposed corrective measures submitted to the US House of Representatives
Human Rights Alert (NGO) submitted to the House Subcommittee on Judicial Reform, chaired by Representative Darrell Issa, evidence of widespread corruption and racketeering in the US courts from coast to coast. The records pertain to the US district courts, the US courts of appeals, and the US Supreme Court. The evidence was NOT based on legal review, but on integrity, or lack thereof, in the electronic records of the courts. Many of the cases involved abuse of individuals by large corporation and financial institutions. The report focused on the issuance of fraudulent records in the electronic record systems of the US courts, and conduct of simulated litigation. [i] With it, Human Rights Alert proposed corrective measures, which likewise, focus on restoring the authority and integrity of the offices of the clerks of the US courts and the electronic records of the courts. Regardless, no measure can substitute for vigilance of the People in monitoring conduct of the courts. It is unlikely that the US would emerge from the current financial and constitutional crisis, unless corruption of the courts and the legal profession is thoroughly addressed.
View as PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/85481555/
~ If it ain't a Party, it ain't my occupation ~
ReplyDeleteOccuParty Jerusalem-AlQuds!
August 17, 2012
Love, Peace, Justice
Empowering the People through
a dance/music/art/study/pray
Facebook Event
Facebook Group:
From Jerusalem to the Wall Street Protesters: we must bring this Robber Baron Era to an end!
Boris announcing #Occupy Jerusalem-AlQuds - The Party, August 17, 2012
Guantanamera: From Jerusalem to Guantanamo Bay -- the US has lost all credibility as a Civil Society
Oh My God, it's Occupy Jerusalem-AlQuds!
Eje: Barcelona-Amsterdam; To: Jerusalem; Sobre: El Amor
Ship Commander Joan is Reassuring: We will be ready for takeoff on August 17, 2012
European Disputes in Jerusalem-AlQuds
Snow in Occupy Jerusalem-AlQuds
Grupo Acapoeira in Jerusalem-AlQuds
Fire in Jerusalem-AlQuds
Pre-party Art Event in Jerusalem-AlQuds
Occuparty kills my luv life...
12-03-16 We Got a Champion!